We are heading to Turkey at the end of the week. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or in Norwegian God Jul. I will blog about our trip either while we are there or when we get back.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Don't Chase Your Car
Friday, November 23, 2012
great books
This is just a post about a good writer, Chautona Havig. Her books are great and not at all embarrassing to read. Visit her blog at Just The Right Escape and enter her giveaway of a kindle. Her books are .99 on amazon now through cyber monday.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Boulder Field
This is a picture from a boulder field that we went to a few months ago. It was created from either an earthquake or an ice slide. It had huge boulders,some the size of a house. It blocked a stream and seamed to create a dam.
We are trying to get use to the darkness here. It stays dark till about 8 am and starts getting dark at about 4:30. It will get worse as we get into December.
The girls had another gymnastic competition and they did well. We don't really know scores, but they seem to be doing things well. AY is working on back tuck and ariel on beam. AN is perfecting her back tuck on floor. We are just hoping that they keep their skills up and continue to get new ones.
T is doing well I school and has joined the photography club. I think we might try and print some of her pictures and sell them.
N is doing good in school, but having to do some adjusting to taking test in a set amount of time. So for all of you homeschoolers who have kids who will go to college, set a time limit for test.
We will not be celebrating thanksgiving till Saturday due to it not being a holiday here. There are a lot of Americans with the oil industry and one company is letting the church we attend use their facility to hold a dinner on Saturday. It is weird not getting American holidays, but you get the holidays of the country you are in. I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving with family and friends.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Another Week in Norway
We are trying to stay warm. They do not have central heat so it is done with something like space heaters and wood stoves. I have not yet gotten the hang of starting the stove, so we may be cold while the husband is gone in December.
It is getting dark her by about 4:45 pm. During Decmeber we may only have five to six hours of daylight. That will take some getting use to just like when we got here it was light until midnight.
We will not really celebrate Thanksgiving. Hubby will not have the day off and the kids will go to school. We are planning on going to the one hosted by the church that Saturday. It is really different not having some of the holidays. Some people take their kids out of school, but I don't see any real reason to do that since hubby will be at work.
I have thought about what I could post and I think I will do something on what we are eating here, ie my menu. It is different here because it is not easy to get things and we don't have a big freezer. I am also trying to go gluten free. Just me though not the entire family. I am going to see if it makes a difference in how I feel.
Have a great week.
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Hike to Preikestolen
Yes we hiked to there. It was very interesting. If you are afraid of heights not for you. It took about two hours to make it to the top. They say there is a trail and sometimes there is, but the other times you feel like a rock climber. Our three mountain goats loved it. It did get a little scary when you hang to the rock to get to the next area. We also had to climb up a little waterfall. There were is some very beautiful scenery. There were mountain lakes with waterfalls and just gorgeous views of Stavanger and the fjord. It is definitely a must do if you come to Norway. We saw every age making this hike. You can also see that there are no safety fences. They believe in leaving nature alone. That being said our group did not venture close to the side. Some people do actually BASE jump from the top. I decided that I would leave that to them. Anyway just wanted to tell you of the latest hike.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
21 Days To A More Disciplined Life
I love the website moneysavingmom.com. The writer has put it a book 21 steps to a more disciplined life. For the next day she is offering the book on amazon for .99. Please check it out. crystalpaine.com/21-days-to-a-more-disciplined-life/
Have a great day.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Driving In Norway
Ok so driving in other countries is always a challenge. If you go to England you drive on the left side of the road. If your drive in Germany you can drive fast, and by the way you learn to drive fast or get run over. Other countries seem to have no real rules. Well Norway has rules they are just different than ours.
So here we go!
If you are driving down a road and someone comes in from the right they have the right away and you have to stop and let them go. There are no stop signs you just have to know this. We have almost gotten hit a few times for not remembering. That means when you come to the road you slow down and almost stop to see if someone is coming because they will not stop. Now if you are on a priority road that rule does not apply. How do you know you you say. Well there is a yellow triangle on a sign that means it is a priority road. It can also change to one or no longer one as you drive down the road.
Ok remember I said no stop signs, well they also have very few red lights. I think I might cancount them all on one hand. So what do they do instead of red lights and stop signs? They have round abouts or rotaries. These are intersections that have a circle in the middle and you drive around the circle to either go straight, right, left, or go back the way you came. The first one in has the right away. It is crazy, but seems to work once you understand. I will try and take a picture so you can see for yourself.
They do not drive above 55 mph, which drives the hubby crazy. The truth is you can't really go much faster due to the layout of the town and no real highways. They say they are highways, but they are not like what you and I think of whe we say highways.
So that is driving in Norway. It is an adventure, but we are getting use to the differences. I just hope we remember them when we come back to the states.
Monday, October 8, 2012
The Cost of Living in Norway
So here is the breakdown on living here. Our rent is 5000+ dollars depending on the exchange rate. The military only gives us an allotment of 4500+/-. We looked at over 20 houses to rent. They were ok, but most only had one bathroom, and after living in a hotel for a month and one bathroom I did not think that we could do that for three years. All of the house were laid out wired from an American perspective, but some more than others. One house we looked at had a basement room that you went right into from the stairs and it was a bathroom. You went down the stairs and rightbtobthebleft of the door was a toilet. If that was the only room not so bad, but there were rooms off of that room. Anyway that is the house story. Internet, electric, phone, and cable cost us about 550+/- a month. We can't really use the phone, because each call cost money per minute. I only use it to call London for approval for dr appointments. It is a toll free number so I think I don't have to pay for it. More on the dr thing another time.
So lets talk about food. Milk is 4.30 a half gallon, if you can find a half gallon. Most places only have it by the quart and then it is about 3.00. Grapes are about 4.55 for .55 pounds. A dozen eggs are 7.00. A pepper mix which is one red, one yellow, and one green is about 3 dollars (I believe that was on sale). 2.9 pounds of bananas was 3.85. A pint of coffee creamer is 3.00. A head of iceberg lettuce is 2.75. A fourth a pound of ham lunch meat is 4.21 and salami for the same amount is 6.00. A single cucumber is 2.88. A half a pound of tomatoes is 2.60. That is just a few of the prices.
I do try to shop the sales. So if nectarines are on sale we may have them this time instead of apples. Sometimes there is not much on sale and you just have to pay the price. The don't have coupons, but I have found a place that I would call the big lots of Norway. We are still trying to do the Dave Ramsey program and pay with cash, but it has been hard gettingnangood idea of a budget. We think we may have one now, but exchange rates sometimes make it difficult.
Next time I will talk about the shopette and the cellar, which are places to shop on the base. I hope you find good deals this week.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
just a short one
Well this will be a short one. It has been a while since I have posted. It rains here A LOT and this was the scene yesterday from my bed room window. It was much brighter in person. It is just amazing.
Well here is an update. The little girls and I have been here by ourselves this week. T is in London, N is at leirschool, and hubby is in the good ole USA. It has been quiet here. I know most of you are wondering what leirschool is and in a lat post I will explain.
AY and AN had their first gymnastics Competiton on Sunday. They both did very well. Here they don't give scores or medals etc. AN just got a good, better, best. And she did really well. AY because she is older gets scored, but we don't see them only the coach. Well she was number one in her age group for the region. It doesn't sound like much, but here that is big. I wonder at times if being here will hurt them, but they are getting some good coaching. It different than in the states, but I think Norway is trying to build a better program.
I hope to post again later in the week.
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Cost of Living
This will be my first post on couponing in Norway and the cost of living here.
First let me say that Stavanger, Norway is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Our rent on the duplex/townhouse that we live is around 5000 dollars depending of the exchange rate. It cost us 300-330 dollars to fill up the car. That being said we did bring our "big" car. We looked into buying one when we got here, but one that would seat all six of us was around 20,000 dollars. Now that probably does not seam like a big deal, but when that car is 16-17 years old that is a big deal. so that means we brought our car that was paid for.
Couponing in Norway is only at the military exchange. They don't really have sales, but they do have two shelves that they discount due to the items not selling fast enough. One day I did get some great deals. I spent aorund 80 dollars, but saved 75 dollars with sales and coupons. The good thing is that I can use coupons up to six months past their expiration date. That is nice because it allows my friends in the states to send their expired coupons. I have not got a good schedule yet for getting them organized. I think I can save even more once I get my self organized. I am not using the same system I did in the states because the shopette is so small and we only have certain items. For example they only carry two kinds of mayo in big jars (32oz). A jar of mayo is 6.00 dollars, which is alot. The only choice is to pay the price becasue there are no sales or other brands to choose from. The shopette carries dry goods and some dairy products as well as some frozen and meat. The meat is very expensive and again no sales. One pound of ground beef (and not the really good stuff) is about 5 dollars. Needless to say we are trying to make more veggies and less meat. Some prices are very compairable to the states and I can order cases of things.
Now where do I get the fresh produce, well in the Norweigian grocery store. I have three of them within walking distance of my house. They are the small neighborhood ones, but have most things. The best way to shop is to buy what is on sale. Here are some prices: a pound of grapes is 5 dollars, 1/4 pound of lunch meat is 5-6 dollars, a frozen pizza is 11 dollars (not a big one), and a head of iceberg lettuce is 3-4 dollars. I buy our bread there and it is reasonable 1-3 dollars a loaf and is wonderful. It is fresh and is so good. Sometimes you have to pay a little more like 5 dollars a loaf because they are out of the other bread.
All in all I think that I am doing ok with not spending too much. Our grocery budget in the states was 400 dollars a month and every year and a half buying a cow and pig for around 1000 dollars. So far I think I have stayed around 1000 dollars a month which makes me cringe, but we have to eat. I hope to give you a better break down after a few months. We are still trying to get a good budget going here.
Happy shopping days and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Crazy Fall
Life is very crazy in the fall. Everything begins.
Family on a fishing hike
I have not been active with women's groups except for our church. When you move to a foreign country and a very small post/base, you need to be involved to meet people. So I have attended two women's meeting, one for the Americans and one for everyone. I have also attended the women's meeting for the church. Needless to say I have been busy. It was fun, but not sure if you can do it all. I am planing on trying to attend what I can because they each offer something different.
This week also started with the girls having gymnastics practice at 8 am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is nice, but we have to be out the door by 7:25 to walk to practice. Yes we walk. The hubby wants to use the car very little, so we walk. It is ok now, but not sure how that will be in the cold and ice. We may take the bus. While the girls are in practice I go to the gym and ride the bike for 45 minutes. I decided that the treadmill was no what to do since I walked from home. All together it is about 4 miles more or less. One doctor here said that the walking did not count as exercise. I guess he did not know that it is not a stroll and I have about a 20 lb backpack that I am carrying.
AY and AN are doing well with gymnastics. It amazes me what they can do. T is doing well at school she is determined to do well and that goes a long way. This weekend she is on a trip with the church youth group. They are camping. I can't wait to hear the stories. N is doing well. He is having some trouble adjusting to things have to be done on a schedule and there is no wiggle room.
I hope that things settle down now that we seem to have schedule. The girls have their first competition in a few weeks. I can't wait to see how things are different here.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Our week and Friend
Another week has gone by and we are getting into a schedule. Well at least I hope we are. The T and N are getting in the swing of going to school each day. I think it has been hard on them at times. They are really enjoying the school and are looking forward to receiving their iPads for school. Yes, the school is providing each student I grades 7-12 an iPad for doing their work etc. AY and AN are getting their work done and it is nice to have that time with them.
I am sure you are wondering about the picture and that is a picture of our dog, Bear. We left our dogs with family in the states and three weeks ago they had do put Bear down. He had cancer and we did not know it. It was a hard week and we still have some tears every now and then.
The girls are really enjoying gymnastics and it is very different than in the states. We are hoping that they will just keep improving and getting skills.
C will be I the states again in October. I wish I could go sometimes. Friends are not easy to come by here. Yu are spread out I the community and everyone has all there kids in school. I have met some very nice Norwegians, but it seems that most mothers work. I think they almost have to with the cost of living here.
I guess those who know me might wonder about the use of coupons. The Norwegians do not have coupons as far as I can tell, but I have been able to use them at the shopette. That is our very small grocery store. It is not much bigger than a convenience store. I have been able to use coupons and save 30-70 dollars a time. There are no sales, but the do have percent off shelf and that is where you get the best savings. The other thing is that I can use coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date. So that being said send me your expired coupons. I will use them and pass them on.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Our view and update
I had looked up some things before we got here and one of those things was snakes. Norway has three, and one is poisonous. I asked about them when we got here and no one had ever seen one. Well we went on a hike and the girls were running around this lake. AN stopped and screamed SNAKE. She moved back and we ran to her and sure enough there was a snake. It was not aggressive and just kind of slithered away. Before it could get away all the Norwegians came running to "see" the snake. I asked one of them why and they said they never see snakes. It was of course the European viper. They are not bad like the snakes in the states. It is not aggressive and will bite if picked up or stepped on. Anyway I have decided that we are the 1%.
T and N have started school and they seem to like it. AY and AN are continuing to be homeschooled. We are trying to catch up from having to miss so much from the move.
AY and AN have started gymnastics and seem to like it. We found the atypical coach here. She really pushes the girls and expects them to do things. That is not normal for here. They do not push their kids. It is a much more laid back attitude.
We have found a church. It is not what we are use to and at times is hard to take. The songs are really hard after coming from such a good church.
The picture with this post is the view from my kitchen. You can see the city and the mountains the fjord.
Enjoy your day.
Friday, June 15, 2012
First Days In Norway
Well we made it to Norway on May 31st. It was quit a trip. We were delayed out of Norfolk then our flight out of Dulles was canceled. It was truly an experience. When you have 300 people get off a full fight because the pilots walk off the plane you know it is going to be crazy. We got off the plane at midnight and then after 3/12 hours we had a new flight and vouchers for food and a hotel room. We only had about 6 hours at the hotel before we had to check out. At least we had a bed and a shower. We got back to the airport and again had to wait for 2 hours before we got to get our new boarding passes. There were many people still trying to get out of DC because the flight we were on and many others were canceled. Our flight is not until 9:52 pm so we have many hours to kill in the airport. They told us the luggage would be rerouted to come on our new flight. The new flight went through London instead of Frankfurt. By this time we are tired and really want to get to Stavanger. We make it to Stavanger, but our luggage doesn't. It is still in DC. So after getting our hotel room, shopping we go for some clothes. We had already used our spare and have no idea when the luggage will arrive. These are out first days of travel to Norway.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Well we are officially homeless. We are visiting family and then off to Norway. We have had a good time so far. We went racing taladega style. For those who are NASCAR fans they will get that if you are not here is what that means. We went to taladega superspeedway for a race. It was very interesting. If I could get to my pictures you could see. We really did not fit in with the camaflouge bra/booty shorts crowd. It was fun though. We are doing lots of things I in the area while we are here. It is like a month long vacation. I have missed my coupon shopping and hope to let you all know how my deals go in Norway.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Well here is the update on the move. We have no furniture and are sleeping on blow up mattresses. This has been a really crazy move. We have three shipments going to two places. They took or storage on Monday the 16. On Wednesday they came and packed the items that are going in our household goods shipment. They ran out of boxes. On Thursday they loaded the crates. In the end we have 16 crates going to Norway. What was I thinking. It is just hard to know what to take. We have one more packing date and that is the 30th and that is our hold baggage. That should be there when we get there. I am cleaning the next few days then it is off to stay in a hotel. This is an adventure and maybe I will say it has been fun in a few months.
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