It was a very interesting trip. Uganda was not what I expected. You can have a house with everything modern and next door a house that is just walls. The house we stayed in had only gotten running water and electricity recently. They have very little, but have a great love of the LORD. We did a revival in the village and also worked with the church of the family whose house we were styaing in. During the day we visited schools and orphanages. We would sing and do skits. The children were great. Many of them had never been close to or seen a muzunga (white prson). They had many questions and sometimes just wanted to touch us. T was asked what is the blue things under your skin. It is our blood vessels, but they cannot see theirs. It was a very rewarding trip and very exhausting. At the end of the trip we went on a safari. What a wonderful way to see God's creation. It was amazing to see the sun coming up over the savannah. We saw hippos, crocodiles, elephants, all kinds of antelopes, jackals, leopard, water buffalo, wart hogs, giraffe, baboons, big lizards, all kinds of birds, and the elusive lions. We had a great guide and went off roading to see the lions. He spotted the animals looking at something and we left the road to see the lions. They were wonderful. The giraffe got close and so did the elephants. One water buffalo started to charge the van. It was an amazing experience. We also did a boat trip down the nile. It is a trip that between working with the kids, schools and church in Kampala and the safari, I will never forget. The big plus was to get to experiance all of that with my daughter. She showed much maturity and love for The Lord and for the people in Uganda.
I have not written in a while because things in Norway get dark in the winter and it is hard to be positive about being here far from family and friends. Things are better and I am making it my goal to have a better attitude about being here. The mission trip helped me to see that I am here and getting to do and experience things that I probably never would have if we lived somewhere else. Please keep us and the people of Uganda in your prayers. We have so much and we take it forgranted.
View of the village all the way to Lake Victoria