This is a picture of the girls from the windows of the apartment we stayed in at Oberammergau. We love Bavaria. It is just filled with wonderful people and great traditions. The food wasn't bad either. The apartment had a kitchen, but only a two burner stove. I cooked most every night with just two burners. It was a very interesting time trying to plan meals.
The first place we stopped was Stuttgart. The LTC had a meeting there. While he was meeting I was shopping. Everyone needed shoes and I needed clothes since all of mine are too big. By the end we spent lots of money on clothes for everyone. The day we were there at the PX, they had an extra 25% off the clearance merchandise. For the items that we got I would have spent at least twice or three times as much getting them in Norway.
After that we went to the Black Forest for a few days on our way to Oberammergau for LTC to attend a course. We walked around town Friday night and ate some very good German food. Saturday we visited the Hollernzoren castle. I will tell all about that next time with some pictures as well. Auf Weidersehen!