Friday, June 15, 2012

First Days In Norway

Well we made it to Norway on May 31st.  It was quit a trip.  We were delayed out of Norfolk then our flight out of Dulles was canceled.  It was truly an experience.  When you have 300 people get off a full fight because the pilots walk off the plane you know it is going to be crazy.  We got off the plane at midnight and then after 3/12 hours we had a new flight and vouchers for food and a hotel room.  We only had about 6 hours at the hotel before we had to check out.  At least we had a bed and a shower.  We got back to the airport and again had to wait for 2 hours before we got to get our new boarding passes.  There were many people still trying to get out of DC because the flight we were on and many others were canceled.  Our flight is not until 9:52 pm so we have many hours to kill in the airport.  They told us the luggage would be rerouted to come on our new flight.  The new flight went through London instead of Frankfurt.  By this time we are tired and really want to get to Stavanger.  We make it to Stavanger, but our luggage doesn't.  It is still in DC.  So after getting our hotel room, shopping we go for some clothes.  We had already used our spare and have no idea when the luggage will arrive.  These are out first days of travel to Norway.


  1. Welcome home friend. So glad to see you got there safely, although the hard way it sounds! ;) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. Wow, what a trip! At least you made it safely and now the fun part begins...exploring your new homeland!I hope once you get settled you will share some of the sights through pictures on your blog. What is the time difference?
